Types of NOVOTEST UCI Probes for hardness testers

Characteristics of NOVOTEST UCI U1 probes for NOVOTEST portable hardness testers:

Probe Type U1 (98 N) U1 (50 N) U1 (10 N)
Overall dimensions, mm Ø30х140 Ø30х140 Ø30х140
Weight, g, not more than 250 250 250
Roughness of the measured surface, Ra 3,2 2,5 1,5
Radius of curvature of the measured surface, mm 5 5 5
Weight of the controlled product, not less than, kg 0,1 0,1 0,1
Thickness of the controlled product, not less than, mm 1,5 1 0,8
Load, kgf 10 5 1



Features and applications of UCI U1 probe types:

Model Load Features Main applications


(98 N)

98 N

(10 kgf)

The main type of probe for solving most problems of hardness measurement. 10 kg load is to be applied for measurement (set automatically by the probe). Low requirements for surface cleanliness.

–   Heat-treated and cemented details.

–   Measuring in grooves, on teeth, on radius surfaces.

–   Measurement on the blades, on the internal surface of the pipes, openings.


(50 N)

50 N

(5 kgf)

The main probe type for the most tasks of hardness measurement. 5 kg load is to be applied for measurement (automatically controled by the probe). Average surface cleannes requirements.

–   Heat-treated and cemented parts, for example, shafts, turbines, gears, teeth, welds, heat affected zones.

–   Measuring in grooves, on teeth, in grooves, on radius surfaces.

–   Measurement on the blades, on the internal surface of the pipes, openings.


(10 N)

10 N

(1 kgf)

The reduced load probe is designed to measure the hardness of material with increased requirements to the imprint size (polished surfaces), to measure the hardness of surface hardened layers. 1 kg load is to be applied for measurement (automatically controled by the probe).
More sensible to the surface cleanliness, in comparison with U1 (50 N).

–   Nitrided and cemented surface layers of molds, stamps, stamps, thin-walled parts.

–   Bearings, lateral surfaces of saws teeth.

–   Measurement of hardness of hardening coatings.

–   Measurement on the blades, on the inner surface of the pipes, inside the holes.