Calibration Blocks

Calibration blocks with notches are used to adjust the sensitivity and scan duration of ultrasonic flaw detectors for testing products like flat sheets and pipes, ensuring the material and geometry match the tested item for accurate results.

Total: $0.00

Calibration blocks of enterprises with notches are used to configure the sensitivity and duration of scan of ultrasonic flaw detectors for testing of various products (mainly flat sheets and pipes).


Calibration blocks of enterprises with notches (corner reflectors) are made of the same material as the tested object, wherein the geometry (thickness and surface radius of standard sample) has the same characteristics as tested item.

  • High quality and accuracy
  • Competitive price

There are 4 kinds of calibration blocks:

  • Flat calibration block with a notch;
  • Сalibration block of pipe with a notch for testing the longitudinal weld;
  • Сalibration block of pipe with a notch for testing the transverse weld;
  • Сalibration block of pipe with a notch for testing the piping bend.


As a rule, calibration blocks are produced in accordance with the client’s specific normative document which governs:

  • Dimensions of the calibration block
  • Dimensions (width and depth) of notches
  • Location of notches of the sample
  • Number of notches

We produce calibration blocks under the technical projects or drawings of customer.

  • Calibration block
  • Certificate