Instructions for install the PC software
In order to install the PC Software, please follow with next actions:
1) Download and install the AWP Universal
2) In case, the device can’t be found, install the Drivers separately
3) Download the Drivers for Win 7,8 with 32 or 64 bit (Drivers for Win10)
4) Unpack the folder from the archive “Driver_FT232RL_New_32(64)”
5) Open the Setting of the computer — Device manager
6) Connect the USB cable to the device and to the PC
7) At the screen should be appeared the new USB connection
8) Update the driver software from the unpacked folder
9) Restart the PC
10) The device should be connected to the PC
11) Open the AWP Universal program for transferring the data
12) Chose the folder for archives of measurement
13) Chose the certain period of measurements and press the “COPY”
14) Open the folder with copied archives.
Bellow, some short Software Installation notes: