The Leeb method is as follows: impact body with a certain weight hits the testing object. The sensor detects the speed of the impact body before and after the impact. Hardness according to Leeb determined by the ratio of rebound velocity (V1) and impact velocity (V0). The instrument converts the ratio of speeds to hardness value in accordance with formula:
HL = 1000 * V1/V0
The main advantage of the Leeb method is the possibility of hardness testing of:
– coarse grain materials;
– surface with a high roughness;
– high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals;
– forged products.
Also, there are a few types of Leeb probes for different application according to ASTM A956.
Today, our company offers following modifications of the hardness testers with the Leeb probe:
As well as a combined version for solutions of full range of the hardness testing tasks: